LinkedIn For Lawyers

why should lawyers leverage Linkedin?

LinkedIn is the ideal place to make connections with potential clients, find top talent, and showcase your legal expertise. As a firm, painting a clear picture on LinkedIn of the team, clients, and industry designations enable you to increase your brand presences and so much more!

Designing an effective LinkedIn strategy doesn’t need to be complicated. Here are our four steps to ensuring a strong LinkedIn presence for lawyers and law firms:

1. Polish Your Profile

Before starting to make connections with colleagues, potential clients, and partners, it’s essential to ensure your profile gives the right first impression. Make sure the work history section is clear, concise, and up to date, have a strong headline that showcases your current title and position, and include relevant links leading to your firm or personal website.

Once the basics are perfected, flush out the rest of your personal profile. Having a well-rounded profile enables your connections to get a clear picture of who you are as a law professional, and gives people who don’t know you more reason to connect and follow.

2. Authentic Engagement

Once your profiles are perfected, it’s time to start engaging and creating connections. This means connecting with those you already know: colleagues, both past and current, team members, acquaintances in the field, professionals you admire (you can choose to ‘follow’ well-known influencers vs connecting with them if you don’t know them personally).

But in order to grow your network further, engagement within your community is essential. This means genuine and insightful comments on law-related articles and posts, sharing and responding to pieces created by colleagues or other industry pros, and joining industry groups to have insightful discussions with peers.

3. Be Original

After establishing a strong community of colleagues, peers, and potential clients, work on positioning yourself and the firm as thought leaders. How? By publishing weekly long-form articles that speak to the latest case law, firm wins, and frequently asked questions.

4. Have a Strategy

A solid LinkedIn strategy is essential for law firms and individual lawyers to increase brand presence, maintain current networks, and gain new clients.

We can help you create a comprehensive LinkedIn strategy that complements and seamlessly integrates into your already existing marketing plan, so you can focus on growing the practice and getting more clients.

Ready to get started on your LinkedIn Strategy?

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