How to Effectively Use Social Media to Promote Online Industry Conferences

Social Media + Online Conferences

When searching for “online events” on Eventbrite, there are now over 100 search results, not to mention the many other virtual platforms like Zoom and Facebook Groups that have moved their in-person gatherings online. Do you want your industry conference to stand out amongst the many options? Here are four ways you can leverage social media to effectively promote yours:


According to the Annual Nielsen Marketing Report, among digital channels, email is the one that marketers have the most confidence in when it comes to ROI, with 40% of marketers believe that email is the most effective channel for promoting conferences. This communication channel will be your go-to for keeping attendees updated on the latest event news. A PRO TIP: Make sure the newsletter is optimized for desktop, tablet AND mobile. 


Compliment your email strategy with LinkedIn Events. Once an event is created, you can manage the event’s details at any time, and both organizers and attendees can send invites to connections. This is an effective way for professionals to virtually join events that interest them. This feature helps grow active business communities and build authentic online relationships - without face-to-face.


Did you know that sponsorship is also considered a form of marketing? Many companies understand the importance of improving their marketing through social media. However, for small businesses, coverage and content generation can be expensive and time-consuming. By offering a sponsorship package that includes social media shout-outs, you’re offering businesses the ability to increase their reach, improve their brand attitudes and build brand awareness. It’s a win-win situation for everyone!


This is an effective way to engage your special guests and leverage their online network to market the conference through word-of-mouth (WOM). Post an announcement on the event’s social media channels with the keynote speakers. Be sure to include a short biography and a professional headshot. This will build credibility for your event and leverage your speaker’s network to increase reach.

We can design a social media strategy to effectively promote your virtual conference!