How Can You Stand Out on Social Media?

Want to stand out from the competition on social media?

We’ve got you covered! Here are easy and effective ways to bring your brand’s unique offerings to the forefront with social media.

Be Authentic

Audiences love human-focused content on social media! Since your brand offers a service, give audiences a peek behind the scenes. Share photos and posts of your team, or share how your products are created.

Share Video Content

Did you know that videos on social media generate 1200% more shares than text and image content combined? In 2021 and beyond, utilizing video content is a must for helping your brand stand out online.

Got a special event? Go LIVE on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. Alternatively, use Instagram Reels or TikTok to share short, meaningful videos educating your followers on your offerings, or share useful tips.

Live videos perform exceptionally well, but pre-recorded videos are great, too. As long as your videos provide value, they will drive engagement:

  • Facebook Live viewers also spend three times longer watching these streams.

  • Video content on Facebook usually gets higher levels of engagement than pictures or text-based posts. As a result, more people will view the video content.

Feeling overwhelmed at the idea of creating videos? It’s much easier than you think! Your social media videos don’t require fancy production value. Quality is more important than quantity.

Consistent Posting Schedule

The key to standing out online and driving growth is to post consistently and actively engage with your audience daily (& in a timely manner). Don’t just post and run!

Give your followers something to look forward to by creating recurring posts, highlighting the team or any events and notable moments. Don’t forget to utilize fun, targeted hashtags like #EmployeeFriday or #TeamTuesdays.

Share Industry-related news and content

Be a part of the conversation! Sharing trending, industry-related content is a great way to get in front of new audiences, build thought leadership and drive growth and engagement.

  1. Testimonials

    Exchange testimonials with thought leaders you have worked with previously. Did you both collaborate on a fun project together? Share a recap of your work with industry takeaways.

  2. Create Polls

    Drive engagement and follower participation with social media polls. What makes polls great is that results can be viewed in real-time. Encourage your team to participate and share results afterwards (with a CTA).

  3. Repurpose Evergreen Content

    There’s no reason for your past content to gather dust! Give your feed some fresh content by repurposing old blog posts, photos or videos. So long as these don’t contain date-specific material or content that is no longer relevant, any of your past content is fair game.

    This is a great way to give new followers a chance to explore your previous content for the first time.

Demonstrate Your Expertise Through “How-To” Content

The best way to stand out on social is to provide value to your followers in the form of educational, thought leadership-focused content.

What does your particular brand offer that your competition may not? Is there trending industry news your followers would benefit from? Keep your audience coming back for more by constantly providing educational value, in the form of how-to posts, etc.

Focus on Customer Service

It goes without saying that customer service is a must, especially on social media. Remember to respond to messages, comments and DMs in a timely manner.

Create a place where your visitors and customers can add their feedback easily, and show them you care.

Celebrate Your Community

Giving back to the community is another way to stand out on social media, and foster connections. Show your support for local charities and causes, through appreciation posts and photos. Don’t forget to encourage your team to do the same.

Overall, standing out online comes down to posting the RIGHT type of content. Here’s a quick breakdown of content performance:

Top 3 most effective types of video content: Customer testimonials (51%); Tutorial videos (50%); Demonstration videos (49%) (Source: Curata)

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