Video Content & Facebook Advertising

By Jenny Wan

The case for video content & Facebook ad spend

Advertising on Facebook and other platforms is highly visual. On Facebook, a video receives, on average, 135% more engagement than an image. Audiences tend to spend 5x longer looking at video content than static content on FB and Instagram. What does that mean for you and your business? Video content helps businesses engage customers and drive sales.

So what happens when you put a little financial backing (ad spend!) behind your Facebook video? We’ve seen the results and they are impressive!

Spending a mere $15 dollars on one video post meant we were able to get 2,871 video views and reach 1,504 people at a cost of $0.01 per view. Now compare this with the results of the same ad spend behind a regular post with an image:

We spent $15 on this post which yielded a CPC of $0.44 and only were able to reach half the number of people as we did with the video ad.

The evidence suggests that ad spend on Facebook video is arguably worth the effort. Don't ignore the potential of Facebook video ads for maximizing your ad spend ROI. And what better time to get started than now? There’s no time like the present. If you need some help with your marketing campaign, and have been scratching your head about video content lately, drop us a line. We can help you get the results you want.