Video Premieres: YouTube & Facebook

Creators can now hype prerecorded videos with “Premieres”

YouTube Premieres Feature

Some very exciting news from YouTube! A new feature was just launched called YouTube Premieres

What it is: YouTube Premieres is a feature that lets you and your viewers watch and experience a new video together, much like a movie or TV show premiere. Premiering your video allows you to schedule a video upload and to create buzz around the video with a shareable watch page.

How it WorksUpload your video as you normally would. In the dropdown, select "Scheduled". Select your video. Add "Premiere" on the sidebar menu. Then, pick a date and time for your premiere. This is when your fans will watch your video for the first time.

Engagement Tips: There's a chat forum for you to engage with viewers and build momentum prior to your premiere launch. 

Eligibility:  This new feature is being rolled out as we speak and should be available to everyone in the near feature.

Watch this short video for more info!

Facebook Premieres Feature

More info to come but this will be similar to what was released in April when the feature first came out.

What it is: Premieres lets you schedule and release your videos as engaging, tune-in moments for your viewers.

How it Works: There will be a "Facebook Live" option once you "premiere" your video. 

Engagement Tips: Go LIVE to get real-time feedback on your video release.

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